How to care for your candles


Properly caring for your candle will ensure that you make the most of your candle's lifespan and long lasting scent. 

Like people, candles also need a little TLC to be able to do their best and to fill your space with that special scent. We recommend following the below steps to give your candle the TLC it needs: 

Storing your candle 

From the moment you receive your Scentred Co. candle store your candle in a cool, dry place, out of direct sunlight. Our favourite place to store our candles is in a linen cupboard or any other cupboard in a cooler room. 

If you have ordered your candle with a lid, we recommend keeping the lid on, as it will keep dust away from your candle and help avoid any knicks and bumps when it is in storage. 

Your candles first burn

Once you are ready to light your candle for the first time, allow the wax to melt all the way to the edges of the jar. This process can take up to a minimum of 2 hours. The first burn is the most important as it sets the tone for each burn after. It will ensure a consistent burn each time, and you will get the best use of your candle. If you don’t allow it to burn to the edges, it will cause tunneling, which creates a crater around your candle and will impact each burn after, leaving your candle with unusable wax. 

Extinguishing your candle

Safely extinguishing your candle is equally as important as lighting it. Typically, blowing out candles is what we have been told to do our whole lives, followed by eating a large slice of cake. However, when it comes to these candles things are a little different. We don’t recommend this as it can damage the wick. Instead, we recommend using a candle snuffer or dipper to extinguish your candle. If you don’t have these tools, you can even use a longer skewer to dip the wick into the wax. 

Our personal preference is to use a candle dipper or skewer as it doesn’t cause any smoke and can help you re-straighten your wick. 

Lighting your candle each time after

Make sure you trim your wick to ¼ inch (0.6 cm) before relighting each time. This can be done with either a wick trimmer, scissors, nail clippers or by simply pinching off any black, used wick and lighting the fresh wick underneath. If you experience any black soot around the side, use damp cloth to wipe the sides after extinguishing the flame.  

For your safety, please also refer to the warning label at the bottom of your candle. 

Our recommended burning time for Scentred Co. candles is up to 4 hours each time. Burning your candle for too long can create a build up of soot around the jar and split the wick of the candle, or can cause your jar to overheat. 

Your candles last burn

When your candle has almost reached the end and you are on your final burn, be mindful to only allow it to burn so that there is still at least 10mm to 15mm of wax remaining. You may also notice that you will start to see a small silver circle in the centre of your candle which is the bottom of the wick. This is a sign that your candle is burning quite low and it is almost at the final burn. 

Please do not let the wick continue to burn once the wax has almost evaporated as this can cause the flame to heat the glass directly which could cause the glass to smash.